KCR is back in action with protest for Krishna.

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According to sources on 13th of February KCR is going to protest in Nalgonda on the name to save Krishna water for the uses of Telangana.


After the losing in Assembly elections, Kalvakultla Chandra Sekhar Rao is set to enter into politics again. On 13th of this month BRS (formerly TRS) is declared to protest for saving the Krishna water for uses of Telangana people. In meeting today where KCR participated said, “if control went to central government, we need to face problems to use our Krishna water”.

AP vs TS on Krishna River water

Telangana people believed that resources like water, revenue and development to transferred from Telangana to Andhra, because of this they fought for separate state and successfully formed new Telangana State. The popular and active person in this process was KCR. Now again KCR is raising to fight was Krishna water. He said in meeting we should not give control to central government on these rivers. If it took over, we need to take permission for single drop of water.

After a small break now again, he wanted to enter into politics with strong bang.