In 2100 Bangladesh Capital may disappear

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Some popular cities may sink that could disappear by 2100 according to the World Economic Forum.

Sinking cities

Expanding ocean level, excessive groundwater pumping, man-made, common, etc., are the most reasons for sinking the arrive. There are distinctive reasons for distinctive places for sinking of zones in a few nations. Over the top groundwater pumping makes a alter in weight and volume that might sink the arrive.

The World Economic Forum says that some cities might sink by the year 2100. “Jakarta, Indonesia is in the top spot. ” Jakarta is going down by 6. 7 inches every year because excessive pumping of water from Ground. The Indonesia government just agreed to move its capital 100 miles from where it is now. It will take 10 years and cost $33 billion to finish this plan completely.

The next city in danger of rising seas is Lagos, Nigeria. The World Economic Forum says Lagos has a short coastline, which puts the African city at risk. A study found that the sea level could go up from three to nine feet. Houston, Texas is next in the row. Some areas in Houston are going down by 2 inches every year because people are taking too much water from underground, just like in Jakarta.

In Bangladesh, a lot of the land could get flooded by the ocean and about 18 million people could have to leave their homes by 2050. Venice is sinking by 0. 08 inches each year. Italy started building 78 gates in 2003 to protect its borders.But this project is not yet completed because of many storms. Virginia Beach in Virginia is experiencing one of the fastest sea level rises because the water levels are increasing and the land is sinking.

Bangkok is a famous city for tourists from all over the world. This city is gradually getting lower by 1 centimeter every year and might be below sea level by 2030.

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