Attack on attackers : Centre

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Modi Government took Houthi’s attack on Indian ship seriously. And given orders to Security forces attack on attackers.

Photo of ship position after attacked

As the war between Israeli and Houthi militants is still on from early October. Now militants are attacking on Indian commercial ships also. Modi Government given serious orders to security forces to do reverse attack who try to attack Indian commercial ships. This is to provide security for our ships, and this may create mini war between two forces if militants try to attack commercial ships.

By this Security forces brought 4 war ships which has most powerful BrahMos missile. Indian PM Modi and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu engaged in a discussion about the concerning of the safety of maritime traffic. In that discussion Netanyahu explained on recent developments about conflict. Modi quoted that freedom of shipping is an important international need and that must be protected. Netanyahu thanked Modi for supporting Israel in this hard times.

Modi and Netanyahu

In the meantime, USA announced international mission on Red sea to counter attacks. Houthis are attacking on the country ships which support’s Israeli. Indian Foreign Minister Jay Shankar strongly said that” We are not against Palestine but we not going to support terrorist group Houthis”.

The attacked ship reached Mumbai with escort given by Indian Security Forces. Investigation was going on to see how potential was the attack i.e., what type of weapons used, etc. After completion of required procedures shifting of goods will be done to another ship.