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How BRS (formerly TRS) value increased hugely when compared to other parties and last year’s value.

According to yearly audit reports for 2022–2023 that five regional parties filed with the EC, they collectively received Rs 1,200 crore in electoral bonds. In comparison to the previous year, when they received a total of Rs 1,338 crore, it is little less. While other parties saw a loss in revenue, BRS surprise saw an increase in value. This time, BRS received 737.7 crore, compared to 218.1 crore the previous year. The YSR Congress party received 93.7 crore last year, this time 74.8 crore, while other parties declined. Previously, TMC, DMK, and BJD received 545.7, 318.7, and 307 crores, respectively; this year, they received 334.4, 214.3, and 181 crores.

We parties earned a reasonable sum, while BRS received an unexpected increase of 218.1 to 737.7 crore. How could this party have collected as much money while BRS received the opposite results in both the pre and post surveys?

However, only we as a people can draw attention to this problem and voice our opinions. There won’t be a legal probe conducted. Since there is no regulation governing how the parties obtained this sum. In response to the Supreme Court, the Central Government stated that “it is not necessary to reveal how a specific party obtained the amount.”