Center blamed West Bengal Government in Supreme Court

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On Tuesday Central blamed West Bengal Government for creating barriers in timely completion of fencing.

Supreme Court

In Supreme Court, Central has placed blame on the policies implemented by the West Bengal Government for hindering the completion of the Indo-Bangladesh border fence. This fence was constructed with the intention of preventing infiltrators and illegal immigrants from entering the country.

According to Solicitor-General Tushar Mehta, the West Bengal Government has followed a land purchase policy that is far too slow and complex. This lack of cooperation from Mamata Banerjee’s Government is concerning, especially when it comes to matters of national security such as border fencing.

The law officer informed the apex court that West Bengal shares a 2,216.7 km border with Bangladesh, and 81.5 percent of the fencing has already been completed. However, efforts are still underway to secure the remaining length through either fencing or technological solutions.